Flat sheets available in any:
- Thickness, specified in increments of .001 inches
- Width up to 48.5 inches (4.04 feet), specified in increments of .01 inches
- Length up to 288 inches (24 feet), specified in increments of .1 inches
- Customer specific interlocking edge design
Width direction grooved sheets available in any:
- Thickness, specified in increments of .001 inches
- Width up to 48.5 inches (4.04 feet), specified in increments of .01 inches
- Length up to 288 inches (24 feet), specified in increments of .1 inches
- Customer specific groove pattern
- Customer specific interlocking edge design
Length direction grooved sheets available in any:
- Thickness, specified in increments of .001 inches
- Width up to 48 inches (4 feet), specified in increments of .01 inches
- Length up to 96 inches (8 feet), specified in increments of .1 inches
- Customer specific groove pattern
- Customer specific interlocking edge design
Arch supports available in any:
- Thickness, specified in increments of .001 inches
- Width up to 48 inches ( 4 feet), specified in increments of .01 inches
- Length up to 96 inches (8 feet), specified in increments of .1 inches
- Radius specified in increments of .01 degree